physical therapy

Fascial Counterstrain
Solutions 4 Wellness

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What is Fascial Counterstrain?

Fascial Counterstrain is a precise, gentle Manual Therapy that can resolve pain and dysfunctions by releasing trapped inflammation in the body’s connective tissues. This technique diminishes pain, restores flexibility and posture, promotes tissue health, restores normal muscle tone, and optimizes anatomical function.

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Willy Cherry

As a physical therapist with 30+ years of experience, I have been developing my expertise in Fasical Counterstrain (FCS) since 2014. My journey began with FCS started as a quest to find healing and relief from my own past serious injuries. No intervention has helped me recover more from my past serious injuries than FCS! I consistently see more immediate and lasting positive results with FCS than with any other treatments I've ever used.

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Is Fascial Counterstrain For You?

If you're stuck with physical issues stubbornly resistant to other treatment methods Fascial Counterstrain may be the answer you are seeking. This approach is grounded in wellness, offering a fresh perspective on resolving persistent challenges. If you're ready to explore an effective holistic approach to address your physical concerns Fascial Counterstrain could be the key to your well-being.


How to Book
an Appointment

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You can start booking by clicking our Book Now button below.

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Choose if you are a new or returning client and then pick your service, location, date & time, and fill out the contact form.

check your email

We will send you an email to confirm your appointment and send you any additional forms that need to be filled out prior to your appointment.

*Appointment wait times can be long due to the growing demand for this successful treatment. If there is an urgent need for more timely intervention, please email and explain the situation.   

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Plan for
Your Session

what to wear

Comfortable and unrestrictive clothing. A pair of shorts if your symptoms are lower extremity related. 

what to expect

If your injury is recent you may experience immediate and lasting relief.  If you have a long standing complaint you should notice positive changes but a release of trapped inflammation in your tissues can result in a temporary increase in pain and/or soreness after your session that can last for 1-3 days. 

post session care

Drink plenty of water. Staying well hydrated can keep post-treatment soreness to a minimum. Avoid strenuous activity for 1-2 days. Ask about specific limitations after your treatment. 

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Fascial Counterstrain Journey with Willy Today

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