Willy Cherry PT


Fascial Counterstrain is a precise, gentle Manual Therapy that can resolve pain and dysfunctions by releasing trapped inflammation in the body’s connective tissues. This technique diminishes pain, restores flexibility and posture, promotes tissue health, restores normal muscle tone, and optimizes anatomical function.

I’ve witnessed the remarkable impact of Fascial Counterstrain in myself and people people who have faced multiple disappointments in their search for relief. Those who have exhausted medically appropriate diagnostic paths and interventions often experience positive results when they turn to this technique. 

The results of Fascial Counterstrain on recent injuries can be unbelievable with rapid elimination of pain and return to full function, often in a single visit. Complicated cases can experience profound changes but at a slower pace. 

Willy Cherry

I am a physical therapist with more than 30 years of experience and training in hands-on approaches to treatment. Since 2014, that focus has been on developing my expertise in Fascial Counterstrain. I saw immediate positive outcomes in individuals who have failed to find relief or resolution from complicated and challenging health issues after seeking multiple traditional treatment paths.  

My journey with Fascial Counterstrain began with an extensive quest to find healing and pain relief from prior serious injuries. Fascial Counterstrain is a comprehensive treatment approach that has produced results for myself and in my practice more effectively than I have seen in my entire career.

I am committed to providing top-tier care in the evolving field of Fascial Counterstrain and am currently the Lead Lab Instructor for teaching these techniques in trainings for other health professionals for the Jones Institute.


Scroll through our treated conditions.

Adhesive Capsulitis (frozen shoulder)
ACL tears / reconstruction
Anxiety Disorders
Balance disorders
Bell’s Palsy
Brain Fog (impaired cognition)
Chronic pain (neck, back, and all extremities)
CRPS /RSD (Complex regional pain syndrome)
Concussion (post-concussion syndrome)
Degenerative disc disease
Digestive Disorders/IBS
Disc bulges / herniations
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (associated pain)
Endocrine Disorders (unknown cause)
Headaches (migraine, chronic tension)
Heel spurs
Joint replacements
Muscle strains / tears
Meniscus tears/ pain
Osteoarthritis (all areas)
Labrum tears/pain
Low back pain
Lyme Disease/Tick-Borne Illness
Myofascial pain syndrome
Neck pain
Neuropathy (idiopathic)
Pain of unknown cause (all areas)
Parkinson’s Disease
Plantar fasciitis
POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome)
Rotator cuff tears / repairs
Shoulder instability
Spinal instability
Spondylolithesis (slipped / fractured vertebra)
Sprained / torn ligaments (all areas)
Tachycardia (unknown)
Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
TMJ disorders
Torticollis (adult, infant)
Tremors (intention and resting)
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Veritgo (BPPV)
Women’s Health
Covid-Long-Haulers Syndrome

  • Adhesive Capsulitis (frozen shoulder)
  • ACL tears / reconstruction
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Balance disorders
  • Bell’s Palsy
  • Brain Fog (impaired cognition)
  • Bunions
  • Chronic pain (neck, back, and all extremities)
  • CRPS /RSD (Complex regional pain syndrome)
  • Concussion (post-concussion syndrome)
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Digestive Disorders/IBS
  • Disc bulges / herniations
  • Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (associated pain)
  • Endocrine Disorders (unknown cause)
  • Epilepsy
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Headaches (migraine, chronic tension)
  • Heel spurs
  • Joint replacements
  • Muscle strains / tears
  • Meniscus tears/ pain
  • Osteoarthritis (all areas)
  • Labrum tears/pain
  • Low back pain
  • Lyme Disease/Tick-Borne Illness
  • Lymphedema
  • Myofascial pain syndrome
  • Neck pain
  • Neuropathy (idiopathic)
  • Pain of unknown cause (all areas)
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome)
  • PTSD (post-traumatic Stress Disorder)
  • Rotator cuff tears / repairs
  • Seizures
  • Shoulder instability
  • Spinal instability
  • Spondylolithesis (slipped / fractured vertebra)
  • Sprained / torn ligaments (all areas)
  • Tachycardia (unknown)
  • Tendonitis
  • Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
  • TMJ disorders
  • Torticollis (adult, infant)
  • Tremors (intention and resting)
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • Veritgo (BPPV)
  • Whiplash
  • Women’s Health
  • Covid-Long-Haulers Syndrome

Asked Questions

Why haven't I heard of this technique before?

Fascial Counterstrain (FCS) is a relatively new technique in the field of manual medicine. Brian Tuckey PT started developing the technique in 1997 and did not start teaching the technique until 2004. The power and scope of FCS progresses daily. Learn more about Fascial Counterstrain on Brian Tuckey's website by clicking here

Is the effect of releasing inflammation with Fascial Counterstrain permanent?

Yes, in general, individual treatment results are lasting. Most conditions, however, are due to dozens, even hundreds of individual Dysfunctions developed over a lifetime so multiple treatment sessions may be required to reach maximum benefit.

How many treatments are are usually needed to experience relief?

Simple recent problems can often be resolved in a single visit. Most patients report significant relief within 1-4 sessions. Complicated presentations can require a longer course of treatment. If no change is noted in 4-6 visits you may need to contact your physician for further evaluation.

Are Fascial Counterstrain (FCS) treatments painful?

No. FCS is painless with few if any contraindications, tolerated by infants to the elderly and those in extreme pain.

If pain occurs tell me immediately, that pain points me to look for a deeper underlying problem, often in a different anatomical system or a more complex variation of the dysfunction.

How many visits should I schedule?

For simple recent injuries a single 45 or 60 minute visit is a good start. Complex long existing problems or post concussions should consider multiple visits on consecutive days, 1.5-2 hours with a 1 hour follow up. Ideally 1.5 to 2 hours for an initial with an hour follow-up the next day allow us to make a lot of positive change. Contact me if you have specific questions about severe cases at Willycherrypt@gmail.com.

what should i expect on my first visit?

What to wear: Comfortable and unrestrictive clothing. A pair of shorts if your symptoms are lower extremity related. 

What to expect: If your injury is  recent you may experience immediate and lasting relief. If you 
have a long standing complaint you should notice positive changes but a release of trapped inflammation in your tissues can result in a temporary increase in pain and/or soreness after your session that can last for 1-3 days. 

What should I expect post session?

Drink plenty of water. Staying well hydrated can keep post-treatment soreness to a minimum. 
Avoid strenuous activity for 1-2 days. Ask about specific limitations after your treatment. 

Additional Resources

Brian Tuckey pt

Brian Tuckey PT is the founder and ongoing developer of Fascial Counterstrain. Find out more about Fascial Counterstrain and view some great videos on his website.
Intro to FCS  | View More Videos 


fascial Counterstrain

The official Fascial Counterstrain website is another great resource for case studies and information about Fascial Counterstrain and conditions it is helpful with. You can also find a Fascial Counterstrain practitioner near you.


Jones institute

The Jones Institute is another great resource for more information and has a directory to find a Fascial Counterstrain practitioner near you.


Cancellation Policy

24 hour cancellation policy applies to all our appointments. If you need to cancel your appointment, please contact our office 24 hours before your scheduled time to re-schedule and avoid being charged for the full price of the visit.

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